Welcome To Cardinal Auctions.com
(eBay Brokers and Drop Off Shop)
Cardinal Auctions.com is an eBay broker that sells items for people, other clients and businesses on eBay. We provide you with the absolute finest way to turn your old treasures into new ca$h!
Cardinal Auctions.com does all the work and you get a check! We also work as a third-party eBay forum and support group. Cardinal Auctions.com is constantly working to improve the eBay™ experience.
Cardinal Auctions.com offers a simple, low maintenance way for you, your church, organization or business to compliment their current fundraising efforts. Visit Fundraising for more information.

Cardinal Auctions.com was the first store front office in the city of St. Louis dedicated to providing an effortless and convenient method for you to sell your items privately on eBay and insulating you and your personal information completely from the bidders. Simply bring or ship to Cardinal Auctions.com and we do the rest. Cardinal Auctions.com has been an eBay seller since September 2005.
Click on How It Works to learn how easy the process is.
E-mail us at [email protected] or contact us here if you have any questions.