Cardinal offers a great new way to raise funds for your school, church, organization, or friends and family in need! We also offer special rates for fundraising events and charities.
What is Cardinal Fundraising?
Cardinal fundraising is a simple, fast and fun way to raise money for your organization and requires far less administrative work than traditional campaigns! Anyone can participate, from schools and church groups to little league baseball teams.

How does it work?
Instead of digging into their wallets, participants dig into their closets, basement, attic, garage, office...anywhere there is "stuff" of value they no longer need. These items are dropped off at Cardinal where they'll be sold on eBay and a check for the sale price less commission fees will be sent directly to the organization. It’s just that simple!
How do I get started?
For more information on how Cardinal can help your organization raise a lot of money in a little time, please contact our fundraising coordinator at 314-865-1644 or [email protected].
Contact our main office for other questions about Cardinal