Current Auctions!
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Cardinal has hundreds of active auctions in many different categories on eBay each and every day. Click Here for a complete list of Cardinal's current auctions.

Bidders local to the St. Louis area...
Take advantage of our $5 will-call service. Bid on and win ANY Cardinal auction and simply pay a nominal $5 will-call fee upon pick up. That's a deal you can't afford to pass up! Immediate satisfaction without the additional shipping expense!**
** Missouri residents are subject to applicable sales tax

Past Auctions?
Click here to see what other items have sold for iin the Past 30 days.
Cardinal makes it convenient to research what different items actually sold for on eBay through our service. Each day we receive and list items ranging from cameras, computers and electronics to collectible figurines and musical instruments.
Click here to see the many unique items Cardinal has sold for our clients in the past 30 days. It's a great way to get ideas.